Mission to Empower Teens With Financial Knowledge

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Mission to Empower Teens With Financial Knowledge

Mumbai, April 29, 2023: Shaurya Kabra, a 17-year-old bright youngster, has taken up the admirable initiative of launching his book, Ek Prayaas, at a very young age. Recently, he distributed his book at Raajyakeey Uchch Praathamik Vidyaalay Manda in Ajmer to create awareness about financial literacy among students. This is one of the many projects Shaurya has undertaken to promote financial literacy in India, and to date, he has distributed 65,000 books among children in various cities.

The book, originally written in English, has been translated into Hindi, Marathi, and Tamil, and distributed in schools in different states, such as Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Bihar, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu. “Half of India’s rural population lacks financial knowledge, has limited access to information, and is unbanked. We recognized that financial inclusion would instill the habit of saving and investing, provide unbanked people with access to formal funding, and reduce their vulnerability to economic shocks,” says Shaurya. “Recognizing the importance of educating them from a young age, I decided to take the first step with my book. It uses simple language, story formats, fairy tales, interactive crossword puzzles, and activities to help rural and tribal populations understand and engage. Schools have added it to the curriculum.” further added by Shaurya.

Through this book, Shaurya attempts to share his financial knowledge and that of experts in the field. Shaurya has strong views on financial literacy and is a boy on a mission with immense “prayers” (efforts). The idea behind the book is to teach people about financial opportunities and increase their understanding of investments and how to grow their money.

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