T.E.A.M (Together Everyone Achieves More), a student-led emergency relief NGO known for their enthusiasm and competence, has announced the launch of their initiative, ‘Quench The Trench’, a water percolation project. This new endeavor aims to tackle the longstanding issue of water scarcity in Pabal, a village located in the Shirur Taluka of Pune district (Maharashtra). With its history of drought and persistent water insufficiency, Pabal needs a solution to help improve the current state of scarcity.
Comprising of 11 hard-working and socially-conscious high school students, T.E.A.M exemplifies a commitment to effecting positive societal changes and cultivating compassionate relationships. Formed in 2015, this initiative was started by a group of 6 teenagers who are now enrolled in renowned universities across the world. Their active involvement in a series of initiatives continues to inspire current high-school students, with TEAM growing every year to provide timely and dedicated support in times of need.
In their latest endeavor, T.E.A.M has prioritized the construction of trenches as part of their initiative to provide a consistent water supply to the village of Pabal. Proper measurements of the trench area to be excavated have been taken to start the process of excavation. The labour will work 12-15 hours a day along with 2 Poclain operators and helpers working in shifts to expedite the work