Premier Energies India certified as ‘Top Performer’ among global PV manufacturers by PVEL

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Hyderabad,India.26th May 2023 PremierEnergiesLimited,India’s2ndlargestintegratedSolarcellandModule manufacturer has been recognised as top performer’ among global PV manufacturers inPVEL’s2023PVmodulereliabilityscorecard.PremierEnergies,backedbyglobalenvironmentfundGEFCapital(basedinWashingtonDC),hasofficesinIndiaandTorontoandoffersreliable,highperformance Solar Cells and Modules across the globe.Tstate-of-the-art, fullyautomatedlineinHyderabad(India)hasannualcapacityof2GWofcellsand3GWofmodules.

Based on PVEL’s rigorous Product Qualification Program (PQP) that includes a battery of tests likethermal cycling, damp heat, mechanical stress sequence, potential-induced degradation (PID), light- induced degradation (LID), light and elevated temperature-induced degradation (LETID) and PANperformance, 88 modules of Premier Energies spanning 400W, 450W, 500W 540W series, have qualified as Top Performer. Premier Energies modules have in fact delivered high reliability scores of less than 1% degradation in critical tests like LID+LETID and less than 2% degradation in PID. These reliability scores, in simulated real world rigorous conditions are highly relevant to solar developers who are looking for modules that perform reliably under varying and testing conditions.

Chiranjeev Saluja, Managing Director of Premier Energies said “As an integrated Solar Cell andModule manufacturer, we have better controls on quality and cost and we are uniquely placed toofferlongtermreliableandcosteffectivemodules.Wehavebeenapioneerinthesolartechnologyand manufacturing space f 28 years. PVEL ‘Top Performer’ achievement is a further testament ofourengineeringcapabilityandmodulereliabilitythatwe havebuiltoverthelast3decades.”

“We congratulate Premier Energies for achieving Top Performer status in the 2023 PV ModuleReliability Scorecard,” commented Tristan Erion-Lorico, VP of Sales and Marketing at PVEL. “This is particularly noteworthy given that they have achieved this distinction in the first year of participating in PVEL’s Product Qualification Program which provides vital knowledge on PV module long termreliability and performance.”

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