New Delhi: Shri Vipin Kharbanda , Vice President, Media Marketing, Divya Himachal , Himachal Pradesh, was honoured with the JURY Special Award for Media Sales and Marketing during the Chanakya Award Ceremony at PRCI’s 17th Global Communication Conclave: “Building Trust Digitally” at New Delhi yesterday. Shri Jual Oram, MP and Chairman, Parliamentary Standing Committee on Defence and Shri Vinod Zutshi, Former Secretary of tourism, presented the award in the presence ofShri M.B. Jayaram, PRCI Chief Mentor and Chairman Emeritus, Ms Geetha Shankar , National President, PRCI , and Dr T Vinay Kumar , Secretary , GC , PRCI , Shri Rajesh Sahgal , Conclave Chairman, PRCI and large number of PR , Corporate Communication and Media Professionals.
Vipin , with over 30 years of rich experience in Sales, Marketing and Communication is one of the most active marketing professionals in the capital has now become most familiar face in the Advertising and Marketing field in NC region.